Chairman's Introduction

The Board believes in the importance of good corporate governance and is aware of its responsibility for overall corporate governance, and for supervising the general affairs and business of the Company and its subsidiaries.

The Group is listed on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange and is subject to the continuing requirements of the AIM Rules. AIM-listed companies are required to apply a recognised corporate governance code. The Group applies the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (the “QCA Code”). The Board considers that it has complied with the QCA Code throughout the year. This section provides general information on the Group’s adoption of the QCA Code.


Compliance with QCA Corporate Governance Code

We have agreed to report against the QCA Corporate Governance Code published by the Quoted Companies Alliance ("QCA Code") and this report sets out an overview of how we comply with the QCA Code at this point in time. We will provide updates as circumstances change.

A full version of the QCA Code is available to download (free for members or for a fee for non-members) from the Quoted Companies Alliance website.

Our strategy and business model and approach to risk

Through our platform technologies, we commercialise regenerative medicine products, helping to transform the treatment of patients in key surgical applications. We aim to implement a business model that ensures our product portfolios have the market reach to deliver novel tissue engineering solutions to patients.

In 2023, we continued to employ our 4S strategy as the foundation of how we operate and drive our growth:

  • Supply - highlighted by the fundamental ability to source donor tissue, having the capacity to produce various graft products, and the ability to efficiently place donor tissue with other processors
  • Sales Revenue - to distribute the finished grafts to  clinicians and institutions that need these products to treat patients
  • Sustainability - to manage sales revenue along with expenses to be a profitable entity that does not need additional external capital to operate
  • Scale - to utilise the first three S’s to continue to invest and grow the business and license or acquire new products, technologies and companies

Our focus on the 4S’s across all divisions and departments provides a 360-degree approach and strategic direction for our future success. We believe this focus will allow the Group to achieve above-market growth rates.

In 2023 we continue to build upon the 4S foundation and added four growth pillars to drive our organic tactical decision making within the group. The growth pillars are:

  • Base Business – Growth of our base businesses with existing and new customers
  • Tissue Partnerships – Growth of our unique capacity to provide released donor tissue and partially processed tissue to outside parties
  • Market Expansion – Growth into additional surgical specialties and geographic regions globally with our products and technology platforms
  • Regulatory Evolution – Growth expansion into markets requiring medical device approvals or with products classified as medical devices.

The Board carefully considers the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks facing the Group, and endeavours to minimise the impact of weaknesses and risks by employing the necessary mitigating actions. We process tissues at our facilities in the UK, Europe and North America. The Group has an experienced and dedicated management and scientific team, and the prominent risks facing the Group are kept under review and updated as necessary; the Board ensures to review a detailed risk matrix on a rolling basis as part of the formal Board meetings. Details of risks can be found here.

The Group maintains a central finance team, excluding the day-to-day finance activities at our joint venture, GBM-V. The Group seeks to operate consistent accounting policies and engages annual external audits from professional auditors of its financial results and reports, findings from which are presented to the Board. The Board review monthly financial reports including key performance indicators provided by the CFO in respect of the management of cash within the business and review against budgets and forecasts. The Group also has a number of operational controls that all employees are expected to adhere to including management structure, Board reserved matters, financial monitoring, internal policies, codes of conduct and training, health and safety monitoring and IT controls. The regulatory and quality teams at each facility maintain a comprehensive quality management system with each employee having a personal training record. As noted above, the Group regularly audits its suppliers to ensure that the highest ethical standards are maintained. In respect of its intellectual property rights, the Group engages a professional patent and trademark attorney to monitor its intellectual property portfolio.

Board of Directors

The Board is responsible for leading and controlling the activities of the Group, with overall authority for the management and conduct of the Group’s businesses, together with its strategy and development. Annual strategy meetings are held wherein management and the Board interact to review performance and set strategic and operational plans for the coming year. For more information on our Board of Directors.

Composition of the Board

The Board is comprised of three independent Non-Executive Directors, the Non-Executive Chairman, and two Executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer; reflecting a blend of different experiences and backgrounds. The function of the Chairman is to supervise and manage the Board and to ensure its effective control of the business. The Board believes that the composition of the Board brings a desirable range of skills and experience in light of the Group’s challenges and opportunities as a public company, while at the same time ensuring that no individual (or a small group of individuals) can dominate the Board’s decision-making. There is a clear division of responsibility between the Chairman and CEO position, with the Chairman advising and leading the Board, as well as making himself available to meet with shareholders. The CEO is responsible for implementing the strategy of the Group and managing day-to-day business activities of the Group. Training is made available to each Non-Executive Director (NED) to ensure that they are completely aware of their regulatory responsibilities and requirements. A formal Board appraisal is conducted annually to ensure that the Board continues to function effectively.

The Board aims to meet formally at least 8 times a year, with provision being made to join via telephone or video conference if a member of the Board is unable to attend in person. A monthly Board report is produced, and meeting agendas and Board papers are circulated in advance of each meeting so that the Board can properly consider the matters to be discussed. Outside of the scheduled meetings, the Board will meet to discuss ad hoc business events where necessary, and the CEO keeps the Board fully informed of any business developments that could positively or negatively impact the performance or value of the Company; any business decisions that require formal Board approval, or any event that could impact the Board or individual member carrying out their duties and regulatory responsibilities. The Company maintains minutes of formal and ad hoc Board meetings.

The composition of the Board did not change in 2023.

In 2023, there were 8 Board meetings. All Directors were present for all meetings, with the exception of two meeting where a single Director was absent. In addition, there were 3 Audit Committee meetings, with no absences, and 2 Remuneration Committee meetings, again with no absences.

The Non-Executive Directors are appointed through formal non-executive appointment letters, which contain a three-month notice period. The non-executive appointment letters contain an indicative time commitment of 20 days per annum; however, these indicate that this is an estimate and that all Directors are expected to commit sufficient time to fully discharge their responsibilities. The Company has not had any issues with regular non-attendance at meetings. Executive Directors have formal service contracts, which require them to work full-time in the business and have no other significant outside business commitments. These service agreements have a maximum of six-months’ notice to terminate.

The Company follows the provisions in its Articles of Association in respect of the retirement and reappointment of Directors at its Annual General Meeting each year.

The Board is satisfied that it has a suitable balance between independence and knowledge of the business to allow it to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively and that effective controls have been put in place.

The Board also operates two sub-committees, the Audit and Remuneration Committees, to ensure compliance with market regulations.

Risk management and internal control

The Board is responsible for maintaining a sound system of internal controls. These measures are designed to minimise any potential risks identified and provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The Board confirms that it has established a sound system of internal controls. Some key features of the internal control system are:

  • well established financial reporting and control systems
  • the Board actively identifies, evaluates and monitors the risks inherent in the business and ensure that appropriate controls and procedures are in place to manage these risks
  • there is a clearly designed organisation and reporting structure
  • the Group has operational, accounting and employment policies in place

In addition, the Board regularly assess the internal control environment under which the business operates and where appropriate implements additional measures to ensure that adequate controls are maintained.


The Group places value on the involvement of its employees and they are regularly briefed on the Group’s activities. The Group closely monitors staff attrition rates which it seeks to maintain at low levels and aims to structure staff compensation levels at competitive rates to attract and retain high calibre personnel.

Equal opportunities

The Group is committed to ensuring that equal opportunities are provided to all employees and potential employees, and do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status. All employees are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner adhering to our non-discrimination policy. In all aspects of our business the Group looks to act in ways that are compliant with the applicable laws and regulations, providing our employees with a work environment that is professional, ethical and fair.


As with all businesses the emphasis on environmental sustainability is important and subject to increasing scrutiny and regulation. All employees are involved in the initiatives implemented to decrease the Group’s carbon footprint, energy consumption and environmental sustainability efforts. During 2023, the Group implemented new environmental sustainability initiatives related to plastics recycling to reduce it's environmental footprint.

Social, community, and human rights

The Board recognises that the Group has a duty to be a good corporate citizen and to respect the laws in the markets in which it operates. It contributes as far as is practicable to the local communities in which it operates and takes a responsible and positive approach to employment practices.

The Group, led by the Chief Executive Officer, maintains open and transparent channels of communication with all employees in order to promote values and behaviours which consistently reflect the Group’s ethos, and to ensure that employees are aware of Company developments and successes. Operating in an industry based upon the processing of human and animal derived tissues demands the highest ethical standards, and the Group aspires to maintain these across all business functions and relations. The Company undertakes regular audit checks to ensure that partners, suppliers and employees comply with the ethical standards and operate to meet our expectations.

The Group employs a vigorous code of conduct and ethics to ensure it operates with a level of social responsibility across the business every day. Through the gift of tissue donation, the Group has the ability to positively impact hundreds of patients’ lives, therefore, we must treat each gift with the utmost respect and provide the next of kin with information around how many patients the donation has helped, if requested; something that can often help in the grieving process.

Relations with shareholders

The Board believes that maintaining regular and transparent dialogue with shareholders is important in order to ensure that there is a clear understanding of strategic objectives, financial and operational performance and governance of the Group.

The Group actively engages with its shareholders throughout the year both through direct meetings, website and social media communications and stock exchange announcements. Commissioned analyst research notes are made available on the Company’s website as well as clinical case studies and published papers. Senior management, typically the CEO and CFO, aim to meet with, or speak with, significant shareholders at least twice in a year usually after the interim and preliminary results announcements, to provide an update on strategy and progress of the Group as a whole, and to receive shareholder feedback. The Group also undertakes several publicly available updates to all shareholders, through forums such as interviews, trading updates and PR announcements. In 2023, the Group undertook two ‘Investor Meet Company’ retail investor presentations as part of the full year and interim results investor roadshows, with 69 individuals attending the preliminary results presentation in March 2023 and 70 individuals attending the interim results presentation in September 2023.

In accordance with AIM Rule 26, there is an Investors section on the Group’s website, which is kept up to date. Information is provided regarding our business, results and financial performance, investor news and copies of our Annual Reports and Accounts.

The Group holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year at which all shareholders are welcome to attend and speak with management. At the AGM, separate resolutions will be proposed for each substantially different issue. The outcome of the voting on AGM resolutions is disclosed by means of an announcement on the London Stock Exchange.

The Company maintains copies of all of its reports and accounts since 2010 on its website.

5 August 2024

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